Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Zombie Bananas

I don't know if people that live in the lower 48 have this problem, but here in S.E. Alaska we sometimes get these bananas from the store that never will ripen.  They stay green and disgusting forever, no matter what you do.  Hang them, put them in a brown paper bag, leave on the counter - it doesn't matter, they stay green.  I call these Zombie Bananas.  They creep me out.... kinda like apples that don't oxidize and turn brown when left out.  They are un-natural and freaky.  But I digress...

I feel like I need to change my blog to Zombie Bananas instead of Green Bananas, it seems much more fitting considering it's been a year since I've blogged.  I am horrible at it, always have been bad at keeping any type of journal.  I love to write, but don't make enough time for it.  So I am just going to give a quick update of what's happened in the last year.

The short of it is I felt half-way decent for the rest of the summer of 2011, spent 3 weeks in Utah visiting family and walking all over the place, went on short summer hikes with my kiddos, picked berries, canned jam, played with friends and decided to Home School my oldest.  Then I quickly went downhill.

I don't know if you know what it is like to live in constant pain.  According to pain level charts, I live at pain levels between 7 and 9.  It changes a person, and not for the better.  I like to think that I'm a fairly positive, person.  But, my life is indeed the definition of a rut.  And I am very much stuck in it.

I was depressed.  I had a hard time getting out of bed most days.  I hurt standing, sitting, laying.  I couldn't lay on one side because it made something hurt, and the other side made something else hurt and then laying on my back I have to keep my knees bent so that my back wouldn't hurt.  I literally have worn holes in my bedding from tossing and turning.  When I noticed this happening to my sheets, it made me ever more depressed.  I took so much OTC pain killer that I think I'm lucky that my kidneys and liver are still functioning properly. 

My kids lived on frozen gogurts and granola bars because that was the food they could get to easily, until I could manage to get up and prepare something more substantial for them.  I pray every day that my days spent in bed haven't messed them up for life, and I also thank my Heavenly Father that I was blessed with such well behaved and independent children.  Not many people could leave a 6 year old and a 3 year old in another room and know they were safe and not causing trouble.  They would play on PBS kids and color.  And when they needed attention from me would bring me stacks and stacks of books to read to them.  They are such good helpers to me, and without them I wouldn't be able to get both of my socks on.

I think my family and I have been surprised at how quickly my health declined.  There are probably a couple factors that caused this but they aren't important.  There were days I wished that I could just chop my left leg off.  The bone and muscle pain more than I wanted to deal with.  Then a friend of mine lost his leg in a preventable accident, and I looked up to the sky and said to God, "Okay!  I get your point.  It can ALWAYS be worse."   I decided having legs that don't work the way they are supposed to was still better than not having a leg.  I may have to drag my legs every step I make, but I have them.

I'm not writing this in hopes to get sympathy, for people to feel sorry for me, or pity me in any way.  What I need is: Understanding.  Patience.  Support.  Sincerity, and Love.

One thing I was thinking about the other day in the shower was how much I HATE the word Endure.  Endure means to Suffer Patiently.  SERIOUSLY??!!  No one has EVER accused me of being patient - Because I am not!  I have been given several priesthood blessings over the last few years.  In each of them I have been told to endure.  Except for a blessing I got for my knees that seriously made them virtually pain free for 5 years, the other blessings have not promised swift recovery, or relief from pain.  I've been told to ENDURE.  Well.... I have the suffering part down pat.  I will forever be working on the patience part.

Although my pain has not decreased, I am not feeling so down as I was a few months ago.  I noticed that I had started to put weight back on and that was NOT okay.  Detrimental even, for my health and well being.  I started using doTERRA Slim & Sassy Essential oils and shakes and quickly lost 10 lbs.  The lowest weight I got down to last year was 315 lbs.  I think I am around 319 at the moment but I'm working on that.  DETERMINED.  I am going to get below 300 lbs this year.  I must.  This is no easy task since I can barely walk, let alone exercise.  But I'm trying to move more, we go swimming as a family, and Ken and I are going to be doing yoga regularly.  There are things I can't do due to my lack of hip socket, but I'm trying not to let that keep me from the things I can. 

I want to get at least one of my hips replaced this year, and recovery will be much smoother if I'm not so heavy.  So, I'm reviving this blog, and asking the few of you who might read this to encourage me to write, and talk about things that are on my mind as I work on enduring this test I've been given, and work on loosing all the baggage and weight that accompany it.


Lisa said...

I'v been waiting for you to come back! Keep going Carrie.

I started my own journey a few months back, you can check it out at oneofthoserunningpeople.blogspot.com

Don't tell anyone though. It's our little secret. Shhhhh.

T. L. said...

Living with pain is incredibly difficult - dispair and depression especially common with chronic pain sufferers. Stay strong - I know that is easier said than done - but you can do it. I'll be here whenever you need support! And I will try to remember to ask you how it is going!

Meggan Hayes said...

You are a fantastic writer, wanted to say that first because I started thinking it not long after I read the first sentence! Don't ever neglect your blog again.

As for the patience and endurance thing, I'm not the person to give advice considering how impatient I was when I was in Juneau for a mere two and a half weeks waiting for my baby. I do know God loves you, I do know that you are an amazing person with a big heart. Hang in there.

karen louise said...

I'm really feeling for you right now. I'm so glad you wrote in your blog, I've been waiting. I want you to know that I am here for you, even far away. I have a good listening ear, writing hand, and an understanding heart. Love you, Carrie!

Richardson Family said...

I too was hoping you'd add to your blog. You are a great example to me. I find strength in your words. And I can relate to many of your experiences...Anyway, thank you for writing and keep up the great work! You are truly an amazing person and I am so grateful to call you friend! Love you! :)

Brooke Price said...

One of the amazing things about blessings it looking back and seeing the things you are blessed with happen. I really believe that you will look back one day and see how God has helped you to endure and you will also see that you have become a more patient person.
You are not a quitter...which would be the opposite of endure. I love hearing about the ways that you are finding to get around the pain and move.
I love you Carrie. Keep going. I can't imagine the pain you're in.